Tech Buzzwords We’re Leaving Behind in 2023

by Ivana Turković, January 30, 2024
Can you think of an industry where tomorrow’s trends become today’s old news faster than in tech? The future is now, and everyone is getting their crystal balls out, soaking their tea leaves, and looking up at the stars to predict the next best thing. 

Those who turn their backs on history are doomed to repeat it, so instead of looking forward, we’re looking back at 2023 tech buzzwords that turned out to be just that, buzzwords.

Let’s burst some bubbles and see what we’ll be working with in 2024!

  1. 1. Low code, high hopes

In the labyrinth of software development, low-code, and no-code platforms emerged as a seemingly straightforward path. They promised a world where complex coding gave way to intuitive, drag-and-drop interfaces. In fact, experts predicted that by this year, low-code application development will be responsible for more than 65% of application development activity. Yet, everything turned into pumpkin mush long before midnight.

The allure of no-code and low-code platforms swept through the tech world with the promise of democratizing software development – simplifying processes, and empowering non-technical users to build applications. However, when the dust settled, harsh reality came knocking. 

While it opened doors for rapid prototyping and small-scale projects, it was clear that low code couldn’t always navigate the intricate needs of high-stakes, enterprise-level solutions. The simplicity of low code often came at the cost of depth and control.

The one-size-fits-all approach often clashed with the complex, specific needs of businesses, leading to compromises in functionality and performance. This revealed a vital lesson: in the intricate art of software development, shortcuts are more often trap doors and bottlenecks for your project rather than a way to hack success.

  1. 2. AI-mbition overload

Do you remember when ChatGPT came out and the floodgates opened? The tech world buzzed with visions of an AI-driven utopia where every command would be just a thought away.

We've all experienced those bemusing moments when AI models, eager to please, delivered images of people with six arms. However, this journey was a catalyst for improvement. The surge in AI development opened our eyes to the incredible pace at which technology can advance when we're all hands on deck. 

While AI sometimes provided simpler solutions than needed, it also pushed us to optimize our processes. We learned to predict user behaviors and connect more authentically, adapting AI to speak the users' language literally and figuratively. Yes, AI can be a powerful tool for advancement, but the combined force of AI and human insight is what truly drives innovation forward.

This endeavor taught us that AI's true value lies in its ability to push us towards better, more empathetic solutions, blending technological advancement with a deep understanding of human needs.

  1. 3. The dawn of Web 3

Anticipated as the gateway into a brave, new world, Web 3 promises a decentralized, free-for-all era of the Internet. Definitions of Web3 are still up for debate but mainly focus on blockchain technologies like cryptocurrency and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). 

Proponents of Web3 envision an egalitarian digital landscape where power is dispersed among an inclusive community of developers, creators, and users, challenging the current dominance of a few tech giants. 

We’re all for it. However, we aren’t holding our breath just yet. Despite blockchain's undeniable staying power, the leap to a decentralized internet utopia is fraught with challenges — from privacy concerns to inherent centralization tendencies. 

As the concept of Web3 continues to stir debate, it’s clear that its promise of a reimagined internet is yet to materialize into a tangible reality. The jury’s still out: is Web3 a blueprint for a more equitable internet or an idealistic concept still tethered to technological and ethical challenges?

  1. 4. Agile - buzzword or blueprint?

If you scroll through developer subreddits, you’ll see them protesting every project manager’s golden child — Agile. In a recent report, 71% of software developers said they use Agile methods in their work. However, only 11% are very happy with Agile, and another 33% are only somewhat happy. Once a beacon of adaptability and efficiency in software development, Agile now finds itself at a crossroads. 

Transforming from a respected approach to an overused buzzword that companies adorn to project credibility, it seems that its practitioners have strewn off the path. We're aware of this growing disconnect over Agile’s distorted applications.

Like with anything else in life, there is a learning curve. It took us a while to fine-tune Agile for our company and clients, too. Implementing Agile takes more than taking an online class, but putting in the work pays off. 

Call us optimists, but in its essence, Agile is all about carefully balancing client needs and development feasibility. Sprints aren’t just about rushing to meet deadlines but about meaningful progress and team well-being. That’s how you uphold Agile's true intent – a harmonious blend of client goals and team capacity.

  1. 5. People-first or profit-first?

The people-first mantra echoes loudly across many tech agencies, yet often, it's a stark contrast to reality. While companies boast about their people-centric approach, developers frequently find themselves treated more like cogs in a machine than valued team members.

If you’re a CTO, seeing an agency prioritize your needs seems lovely at first. However, when you peek behind the scenes, you’ll find deadlines and deliverables overshadow individual well-being, with developers often feeling the brunt of relentless project demands. 

On paper, agencies may offer a slew of benefits – from fancy office perks to wellness programs – but these perks, no matter how abundant, cannot mask the lack of authentic human connection and understanding.

How can you tell if your software development partner raises any red flags? Pay attention to how often you onboard new people. Do your developers just spew code or have the time and will to dive into your business logic? 

A true people-first approach balances business objectives with empathy and respect for individual needs, recognizing that the heart of any successful organization is its people, not just their output.

What’s in the stars for your business?

Taking the leap into new technologies is a gamble that can yield high rewards, but it's not without its risks. In this high-stakes landscape, the guidance of a seasoned advisor can be the key to navigating successfully. If you’re looking to grow in 2024, we have a whole team of experts who have their fingers on the pulse of cutting-edge technologies, so you can stay focused on what you do best.

About the author:
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Ivana Turković
Strategic Communications Manager
Ivana translates ideas and complex concepts through inspiring stories, in both external and internal communication. Her content is a bridge between Thespian and you, written to empower you with insight.
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